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big ground breather

in Wolfblood 24.11.2021 08:46
von GDwood2021 • 27 Beiträge

After closing the door of office, the leaf autumn connected the telephone of the assistant thunder-storm of president.
The thunder-storm hears a leaf for autumn from the report family and passionately say:"Leaf's director, you how sometimes does make a phone call for me?I but be overwhelmed by special favor."
"Your Class can be much taller than me."The autumn of the leaf says with a smile.
"Hey, I am to give the president the errand-boy.You are different."The thunder-storm words have deep idea ground to say.
The autumn of the leaf is silent for a while, ask a way:"It is said that ten thousand clear manager Yuns resigned from the company?"
"Ha ha, isn't a resignation.Drive Tang Dong to kick out." The thunder-storm Hao doesn't conceal of answer a way.
"Kick out?Isn't he the person whom the president draws together?"The autumn of the leaf asks a way with interrogative look.Be because this reason, the leaf autumn just worry his/her own the game that the plan will can't influence Tang Guo in the upper level.
"Yes.Before BE.But recent he and then walk the nearestly with Wang Fu Dong.Tang Dong has no good will to this kind of person who bends with the wind, have been worrying how to beat to deliver him.Unexpectedly but someone deliver one photograph of folding-
"Photograph?What photograph?"Asking of leaf autumn oddness way.
"Ha ha, photograph ground contents I don't say.However, is one to make Chu Chu's woman deliver.She you should know?Tang Dong after getting hold of those photographs make ten thousand clear cloud get to office.The second day ten thousand clear cloud active delivered to a resignation to Tang Dong."
The thunder-storm knows some leaves autumn relationship with Tang Guo, so ask words to his ground to have no mental reservation.If he really walks to arrive with Tang Dong together, after, who know that Tang Shi Hui can't be said by him to calculate?
Chu Chu sends of photograph?He and didn't the bargain of ten thousand clear clouds talk?
Thunder-storm at there the Luo Luo ground say with smile:"The autumn of the leaf, Tang Dong knows that this matter is what you manipulate in the behind.Always appreciate very much to you.You but sent Tang Dong Yi big gift."
The leaf autumn is one face wry smile.He at the beginning just wants to pick and get rid of Zhang Zhan's this cancer from the Tang.Very convenient oneself develops a work.The unexpectedly slanting dozen is wearing, but also solves a vexed noble-minded matter son for Tang Guo.
This is to so-calledly mind act as upon mind some?
"Again come."The violet looking at to pour on the ground of crazy, apathetically say.
Is black close fitting fur-lined jacket skin trousers, wrap up the whole body with lovely curve tightly.Wear black to peep out the skin gloves of the back of the hand joint on the hand, this kind of gloves can protect a wrist, the but again can be used a joint to the most cruelty stroke for person.It is a pair of hard skin of head Xue in same blacks on the feet.Wildly body up have already been worn quite a few small hole for Chuo by that nozzle heel of shoe.
The look in the eyes is apathetic, looking at the inferiority of a ground of top oneself, be like looking at will be sent to slaughter a place to live a pig general, don't take one silk the mankind's feelings.
The blood that wildly wiped a corner of mouth, stuffy roar a , again climb from the ground, madness of rush toward to pass by to the violet.
The body of violet also quickly springs up, a beautiful air puts tail, and a feet score goal crazy cheeks.Just again and very heavily dropped into from the man who climbed of ground.The body falls silvery floor at this steel manufacturing ground up, send out the sound of Mao.
"Did not you grow brain?Homicidal is a kind of technique, only pretty the dint has what use?If you are still so reckless to have no general situation of the words of view.You aren't the opponent that fixs Luo in the blood during a lifetime."Saying of violet voice iciness.The words,such as sharp knife sort, stab medium crazy of heart, let him lie prone the big is on the ground big ground breather.
"Drag along him to get up."The violet orders a , immediately two people run to come over him to the medical room.
Camel's lookinging at is similar to be wildly from the ground dragged along to the dead dog and connected to move of energy all have no, ran up to say with a smile:"You this guy's returning is really you to seek dead, whom beat not good, don't want to seek captain.Don't you know that the captain's recent mood isn't very good?"
"Does this have what relation with you?"It is wildly cold face to say.
"Hey Hey, I am to concern you.There is seldom a match tacit understanding ground taking to block, if you drive captain to dismantle.I be not again afresh and others team brigade?Change crazy dog and spider are those two abnormal conditions, be not really have no interesting?"

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