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This is pursuing of a martial and persist

in Kino 28.02.2023 04:23
von gdshutter • 13 Beiträge

For an instant, the leaf autumn even wants to immediately launch an attack.Words like this, oneself wins his opportunity many pence is again.
But, leaf the autumn was strong to endure.He wants to lose war the strongest Yan pleasant breeze.Because he believes firmly, oneself is a Yan city's strongest existence.Own this kind of viewpoint originally to, the leaf autumn of pragmatism to say to is a very silly matter, but, now, he is to want to do so.
This is pursuing of a martial and persist.
"You think to drink a point son medicine, can change what?"Leaf autumn Pie the Pie mouth say.Although his in the mind has already been guessing the name and effect of this kind of gene medicine at this time, mouth up but nowise show consideration.The leaf autumn classmate that represents justice and candor to the guy that the use medicine cheats is bad impression very.Before the gene medicine that belongs to violet squad didn't develop, he used medicines to all mean to deeply despise to anyone.
"You haven't won.I didn't also lose.
, The smile of Yan pleasant breeze doesn't matter."I admit that you are very strong now.Being strong to arrive me has to be dealt with you with this way.I also to this method despise, but I need an opportunity.A combat, and obtain a victorious opportunity."That remains to restart.I give you this opportunity.Is positive such as as I am just coming to Yan city you didn't kill me and gave me an on the hoof opportunity similar."Leaf the autumn Tan shrug Bang.
After learning four heavy strength sons, the self-confident heart of leaf autumn inflates to terrible extent.He all inside has a kind of Pa to the Yan pleasant breeze to see.
Is positive such as oneself's continent just came to Yan city own nothing at all, Gao Gao treated own attitude Hang kind inside the mold in the last Yan pleasant breeze.
Just, 2 people's role changed just now.
"That I naturally thanked."Yan pleasant breeze says, suddenly clenched fist to hurtle toward the leaf autumn past.
There is no omen, like surprised thunder lightning flash, the orotund end falls, the person then has been already gone to.
The fist carries secretly information and curls up sturdy current of air, as powerful as a thunderbolt of hit to the chest in leaf autumn.
Still keep being the one punch that keeps to keep into, there is no flower Shao to be talked.
And, so of attack set road he just had been already used.
So, some honest his audiences are then surprised to exhale a voice.Also someone's woe shuts ascend eyes.
Even if they don't understand a profound effort and also understand a recruit type again is meaning what in the combat like this.
But, stand just across the street leaf autumn but don't dare to despise the gist.
Is contrary, he is a face to rigorously wait for a closing to of fist.
Attackstoning the route didn't change.The attack recruits type didn't change.
What to change is speed and strength.
The speed of the sort in the light.Have no the strength that can match.
Was full of arrogant and Gang spirit in the fist of Yan pleasant breeze, the fist end went to, the boxing breeze unexpectedly has been already blown of the Human body body living cold, the skin on the face comes in contact with the furious wind of that mightiness and have a kind of be mown a meat sort by the knife of toring and pulling feeling.
It Be getting nearer.
Is nearer.
Suddenly, the leaf autumn grips of the fist is past to bomb.
The voice resounds through a whole field through a speaking trumpet.No one can understand, why the collision of the Qu of flesh and blood can send out so big sound.2 people's fist suddenly on getting in touch with, then and respectively feel the strength of the other party.
That is like ocean stars, unpredictable, but extensive and matchless strength.
Chi~~~~The body of leaf autumn is retreating, although he made several 1000 catties fall to.But still have no the status to can defer body countermarch.
The marble stone noodles of the shoes and foot rubs and sends out the voice of Zao ear.
He how is not understand either, why oneself used four heavy strength the son return drive opponent to beat back back.
This also because of the effect of the that gene medicine Cha?
More what to shake is a Yan pleasant breeze.

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